
Best Lawn Care Technology

Do you want a perfect lawn 24/7? Royal Lawn Care presents Husqvarna’s top technology in lawn care maintenance: The Auto Mower! The Auto Mower has been breaking ground, keeping lawns plush and healthy for over two decades in Europe, and is now available for your property right here on the Eastern Shore!

Benefits of the Auto Mower

  1. A much healthier lawn.
  2. Excellent security features.
  3. The Auto Mower is self-guiding, with boundary lines.
  4. Set it for when you want your lawn mowed.
  5. Safe for animals and children.
  6. A lawn that is always the perfect length.
  7. Quiet and efficient with advanced navigation.

The Auto Mower is a Green Machine with minimum energy usage that will keep your lawn in the best possible shape all summer long!

Interested in learning more? Call us for details! Auto Mower packages are now available – call 302-436-9800 for more information.

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